So as you all know, school has started. So we will not be updating the site as often or posting blogs as often. We will still do a contest and email the subscribers and answer your emails! School and school sports are hard to work around with schedules so if it takes a while for us to answer you back, email you with subscription emails or update the website, that is why! Thanks for understanding! 
    Are there any orchestra, band, or chorus people out there? I'm in orchestra and Megan is in band! Any other instrument players out there of any kind, too (like a piano, bass guitar, guitar, ukulele, etc.)? We'd love to know what you play! I play Viola and Megan plays Clarinet! 
   Get the word out at school to visit our website! We want the population of it to grow! Thanks!
Congrats to our very first winner of our contest! Check out our website to see the review! Go to our Hall Of Fame to see all the past and present winners! Congrats and good luck to everyone who enters our future contests!

   This another shark video that I found! It's hilarious! It's a spoof of The Dark Knight, if you couldn't tell. Enjoy! Super Hero Shark, AWAY!!!!!! 
Ok, I know we all look forward to the Olympics. Here is a video I found about a SHARK OLYMPICS! Hahaha!
This goes along with the other video because they are both spoofs of the Hunger Games that are super funny! Check it out and comment on the videos, or email me (Lauren) your favorite, if you prefer both, or if you didn't like it!
You will really enjoy this video for sure! My teacher showed us this when we read the Hunger Games! It's awesome!


    I check my email everyday if you want to email me at [email protected]! I'm a very happy and upbeat girl! I love meeting new people and competing in my favorite sport; ice skating! I love Adele music and watching gymnastics! The Hunger Games are the best book series ever! I also love the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series a LOT! Comment on my posts! Thanks! ;)


    November 2012
    August 2012

