Hello to everyone reading this, our website is going to be alot harder to manage when school starts for Lauren and I which is August 27th, Ahhh coming up soon! We will not be able to update this as often and I dont want to lose all our fans! We will try our very hardest along with homework, and projects! We will still email our subscribers how ever often you please and update our weekly contests but we may not update our blogs and change the website as much as we have been! :D I would love to hear from you guys so please comment so I know at least someone is reading! 

8/22/2012 05:18:30 am

i start school on the 28th


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    Hi, my name is Megan and I check my email regularly, it's [email protected]! I love making new websites and 1D! If you want to chat about any of my websites or the boys, I would love to talk! Also my kik is boobearforever! My twitter is @mearnhar and if you follow, I will follow back!


    August 2012

